सपोर्ट स्ट्रीट चिल्ड्रन


SUPPORT (Society Undertaking Poor People’s Onus For Rehabilitation) is an organisation which works for street children and youth using drugs which results in addiction. Our organisation is 35 years old. We celebrated our 35th anniversary on 18th July 2020. Children below 18 years including those who have committed a crime come to us from magistrates.

We also have a trained staff team who picks them from the street.
Our activity is first to de addict them, then rehabilitate them and later bring them in to the mainstream. After deaddiction we send them to School.

When they complete standard 10th, we sent them for ITI courses. After completing ITI they get an ITI certificate and thus we get jobs for them. Next, we form group homes. We rent a place and keep the children in groups of four or five. For the first two or three months we pay their rent and provide food. Later we monitor them and teach them budgeting their salary.

Thus, we look after them for a year or two. Some time they make friends at their workplace and form their own groups but even then, they remain in touch with our staff who help them when needed. Some time they insist on working for us because of our attachment. An Ex addict is managing our kitchen cooking for almost 210 inmates. This figure varies as per admissions and discharge.

The youth whom our team pick up from the street are taught a trade by us and later given jobs and housed in our group homes. We have three centres, one for girls and one for boys at Vakola and third for youth at Saphale.

79 boys and 52 girls are studying in various standards. 11 boys and 4 girls studying in 10th standard. Last year result was 100% varying from 60 to 80%. At present 11 children have been admitted to I.T.I. course. Any or all of your members are welcome to visit our centre any time convenient to them.

You are also free to ask for any further information. Cheque donations exempted from Income Tax Under Section 80- G. Hoping our information meets your approval.
There are many NGOs but hardly any who work with drug abusing children/youths free of cost.That is why we depend on your donations.

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